
Session - running reports from different inputs

Zoë Turner

Using {quarto}

Writing out the code:

                      execute_params = list(country = "United_Kingdom"),
                      output_format = "html"

On the Terminal:

quarto render covid-analysis.qmd -P country:"United_Kingdom" --to html

More than one parameter

                      execute_params = list(country = "United_Kingdom",
                                            month_start = "2020-01-01",
                                            month_end = "2020-01-01"),
                      output_format = "html"

On the Terminal:

quarto render covid-analysis.qmd -P country:"United_Kingdom" -P month_start:"2020-01-01" -P month_end:"2020-01-01" --to html

Rendering multiple reports

The parameters have been for just one report but if we need to run several in one go we need to use a function and a loop in R.

  • A function - is a block of code which only runs when its called (Source: W3Schools)
  • A loop - is used for repeating code (and can be used with functions)

Looping like a roundabout

Three green fuzzy monsters being whipped around on a spinning park platform, with one that’s already been flung on the ground looking dizzy.

Artwork by @allison_horst

A function

Starts with a name: run_docs

run_docs <- function() {

Takes inputs (called parameters/arguments)

run_docs <- function(place, time_start) {


Add in the Quarto code

Call the {quarto} package which we’ve used before

run_docs <- function(place, time_start) {
    output_format = "html",
    execute_params = list(country = place, 
                          month_start = time_start)

Naming the files

In this function we can also use the parameters to create distinct file names so files are created like Ireland 2020-01-01.html

#| code-line-numbers: 9
run_docs <- function(place, time_start) {
    output_format = "html",
    execute_params = list(country = place, 
                          month_start = time_start),
    output_file = glue::glue("{place} {time_start}.html") # creates the file name

Using the function

A function can be used individually

run_docs("New_Zealand", "2020-01-01")

And for many (in a loop)

purrr::map2(c("New_Zealand", "United_Kingdom"), "2020-01-01", run_docs)

Next Section

Credit: Blog by Meghan Hall, Tips for Custom Parameterized PDFs in Quarto

Read more in the blog from Mike Mahoney, How to use Quarto for Parametized Reporting including Parametized SQL

Illustrations from Hadley Wickham’s ACM talk “The Joy of Functional Programming (for Data Science”).