Formatting text in Quarto

Session - Text

Zoë Turner


Quarto reports support text and code with the text being Markdown

Quarto Markdown

.qmd file




### HEADER 3

#### HEADER 4

##### HEADER 5

###### HEADER 6

Watch the spaces! (warning)

Make sure that there is a space between the hashes!

#Example no space!

Headers and chunk table of contents

Screenshot of RStudio headers and chunks

Formatting Text

Text formatting uses markdown

*Also Italic *
***Bold and italic***

Also Italic
Bold and italic

Underlining is missing

Whilst underlining can be done using using html it’s not accessible for everyone and can be confused with hyperlinks so is best avoided


Bullets can be created with * or - and numbers can be 1. repeated

- Patient (_Unique NHS Number_)
- Referral (_Not unique_)
* Contact (_Not unique_)
* Diagnoses (_Multiple entries_)

These data types occur in various places

1. Mental Health
1. Outpatients
1. GPs
  • Patient (Unique NHS Number)
  • Referral (Not unique)
  • Contact (Not unique)
  • Diagnoses (Multiple entries)

These data types occur in various places

  1. Mental Health
  2. Outpatients
  3. GPs

When lists don’t work


  • A return space is needed to separate the list from preceding text
  • Spaces between the bullet symbol and text are also required
  • Separating lines that are not in bullets can be done with two spaces at the end

Copy this to covid-analysis.qmd and correct the issues

Check the spacing:
- This is right up against the text

-This is missing a space
*Also missing a space

These two lines
need to be separated using two space

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